Album du jour #1 - So Long, Bluegrass
Alison Krauss & Union Station's So Long, So Wrong
Prior Relationship to Album: None. The first album that came up in my shuffle is the perfect justification for why I’m making myself do this. So Long is a bluegrass album I got from Josh a few months back, but haven’t listened to yet. I’ve never listened to 48 straight minutes of bluegrass before in my life. Or perhaps even total.
Low Point: Track 7, "It Doesn’t Matter". The drop from lightning-fast-Southern-jamboree to ploddingly slow lyrical ballad is a sharp one. Like Splash Mountain, if only they combined the part where you're falling through air with the part where retarded country bumpkin animatronic bears are singing at you for like an hour.
What I Learned/Realized: Alison Krauss exists, and evidently has won more Grammys than any other female (20). Also, that my enjoyment of the bluegrass medium is almost wholly dependent on the BPM of the song.
Future Relationship to Album: I can’t see myself listening to it again of my own volition, even though I liked the 3 faster tracks more than I thought I would. But I'm glad I've been made aware of those songs on here in case the house needs to throw a pick-me-up hoedown.
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