Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Album du jour #4 - Leggo my Layo

Layo and Bushwacka!'s Nightworks

Prior Relationship to Album: This is one of those dancey albums that most of my friends stateside aren’t going to recognize. And since my sole Brit friend only really likes 80s hair metal, that means I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head who likes this stuff. But I do – it is an appealing combination of (mostly) British tech-house/breakbeat leanings with a dash of American deep house thrown in. It is not an album that has ever gripped me for a period of time, because it just isn’t that kind of music – but it sure is worth the occasional spin.

High Point: This is a boring pick, as this is one of the top singles these guys are known for…but #13 “Love Story” is definitely the best of the breed. If I had to pick just one song to represent an epic Saturday night at 2am where anything seems possible…I can’t think of a better choice.

Low Point: #10 “Sleepy Language”. This track sounds like one Four Tet hook repeated ad nauseum without any embellishment or intricate movement.

What I Learned/Realized:

- Layo’s full name is Layo Paskin, while “Bushwacka!” is Matthew Benjamin. I guess Layo is cool enough to not have to change?

-When I had just glanced at the playlist before, I thought that #14 “2mrw” was some weird kind of geometry equation (I saw the m as the symbol for pi…which is stupid). Then as I was listening just now I thought Ooooohhhh..tomorrow! Those kids and their abbreviations.

Future Relationship to Album: Probably the same, although this listen-through has done a lot to remind me that unlike a fair amount of electronica, this album does a spectacular job in the “cohesiveness” department. I recommend it to any Four Tet fans.

Bonus link du jour: Colin showed me this the other week, and I’ve been forcing it upon others ever since. Joe Mathlete is a genius. Is not the epitome of comedy taking something pitifully unfunny, and applying reason to it – also not funny – and resulting in hilarity? It is like adding two even numbers together to get an odd.

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