Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We're Fighting!!!

Multiple readers have whined that I haven't posted lately. I have two reactions:
1. I have multiple readers?
B. Ok fine. The real reason I haven't been posting is because I've been in a fight with this site. Basically I spent like 2 hours writing a super long post last Friday, and then I left it open for a super long time..and when I came back and tried to hit publish, it didn't work, and I ended up losing the whole thing (I usually write on a text file first, but sometimes don't...). And rather than re-type the whole deal, I walked away in disgust. And then I spent the whole weekend staying up at nights, finishing an overdue paper. And then I got in another fight - with my hair. You can see my myspace if you want to check out who won (I can tell you who lost: the lovely ladies of Boston). I've also been having too much fun listening to new things (LCD Soundsystem, The Field, etc.) to listen to the thing that came up randomly to do the album review (Guns and Roses, to be precise. Or Guns 'n Roses, to be slightly more precise. Shouldn't it be Guns 'n' Roses? Why is only one letter's absence significant enough to warrant an apostrophe? that's always bugged me).

For any Whitman people reading...this is precisely what we created CAAF for.

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