Saturday, May 5, 2007

Album du jour #20 - Sambalicious

Cibo Matto - Viva! La Woman (1996)

Prior Relationship to Album: I can't remember how I came across Cibo Matto. I got ahold of their second (and last) major album (Stereo Type A) some 6 months ago, and it quickly became a favourite of of course I was going to track down the group's first album.

High Point: Cibo Matto is Italian for "Crazy Food," and that is certainly the theme in this album, since almost every song is named after some kind of food item. My favourite title and lyrics are "Know Your Chicken," but that's kind of an annoying song...the most interesting on that front has to be "Birthday Cake."

Low Point: The only track that isn't named in the gastronomical theme is, strangely enough, called "Theme." This has various interesting implications, and there are certainly moments in that song that I enjoy quite a bit...but at 10 minutes, it just isn't great enough overall to listen to.

What I Learned/Realized: You know I'm going to like this band, when wikipedia lists their affiliated genres as: Acid Jazz, Indie Rock, Samba, Trip-hop, and Shibuya-kei. That's a pretty fascinating combination even before you start making up new genres to throw in there. OK, just because it is Japanese and unfamiliar to me, doesn't mean it doesn't really exist...(although sometimes I wish that were the case)

Future Relationship to Album: I will listen to this probably once for every four or so times I listen to Stereo Type A. Fortunately I listen to that album quite a bit.

I just saw a commercial I liked a lot, where an insurance company was grafting rabbits feet back onto rabbits...and they had bunnies swimming!!! Wait, why am I rambling about stupid shit again? Oh yeaaaahh...finals. Back to writing about the Gorgias.

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