Sunday, July 1, 2007


"Da man! You iz da man! Do you hear me?! You da man!! How much $$ coming tomorrow? Did we get some more $$ in?" - Jack Abramhoff, 2002

Either you think that a revolution is necessary, or you are disgusting. There is no in-between. If I were not so selfish and craving of every second I had, I would devote my life to trying to make change happen. Or rather, I would if I thought that someone in my circumstances ever COULD. Obama is nice and important, but there is no visible path into overall positive change that does not begin with radical environmental disaster. I avoid feeling attached to the vast majority of humans, because most are in such a state...I am too weak to weep for the fate they are writing for themselves.

(And yes, I realize I probably just put myself on a number of watch-lists because no one knows how to listen).

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