Album du Jour #22 - What The Funk
I haven't done one of these in 5 months, but that's because I got tired of the pressure I created by myself with the extensiveness of my reviewing. So now I'm going to just say a sentence or two; enough to make me feel a sense of artificial completion of some menial task, but not enough to require any time or effort. Oh, and it will keep me honest in my conviction to listen to all of the damn music I have (which, as winamp dutifully reports, would take some 65 days to do in one sitting). Sometimes I'll pepper my brief album comments with philosophy thoughts of the day, just to keep up that (useful?) juxtaposition.
Today's album: Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings - 100 Days, 100 Nights. My roommate Zoey got me into a funk kick, and so I went about trying to find what good new funk/soul music is out there. Sharon Jones is more or less regarded as the best currently doing classic soul, and it is really, really, really, really good.(this photo reminds me of two important facts I learned in jazz band in high school: trumpet players are self-important, preening fools, and sax players are either virgins, creepy, or both)
Meta-aural-thought: Too many people I know only like EXTREMELY lo-fi indie music. I like this music and sympathize with it, but don't understand why one would exclude everything else. Because: 1. What did electricity ever do to you?
and 2. Black people make good music too.
Husserl wrote down daily observations and thoughts in manuscripts that eventually totaled more than 45,000 pages after his death...and often claimed that his most important work was done there, but it was too massive for him to deal with or publish. Should I be doing more daily philosophy writing, even if it isn't going to be "useful" to me in any conceivable sense? I doubt I'll ever be in a position for them to be concerned about the Wardiana, but even if so, I don't know if I can bring myself to care about my posthumous reception and influence.
I was a trumpet player.
Trumpet players are...what is it? Preening, self-important fools?
Therefore, I must just be awesome.
Aw man, I am a sax player. I promise I'm only just a little bit creepy, and we can pretend I am a virgin if that will make it better :P
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