He's like some non....giving-up.....school guy!
I apologize for taking a 2 week absence from my writings here. In reality, I have a handful of half-finished entries that I shall endeavor to publish in the upcoming days. My lack of productivity mainly has to do with the fact that I refuse to spend time blog-writing while at home (where I have a combination of paper writing, Oblivion, and increasingly busy social life to keep me occupied). But here's some of the note-worthy events to occur recently:
-Saw the White Stripes at the BU arena. Missed damn near a third of the show, but it was still fun.
-Lost my glasses about a month ago, and thus had to stumble around blind for weeks until I could get a new prescription and have new glasses ordered. Damn expensive too - of the many health insurances I've had throughout my life, the one you pay Boston College a ton for is easily the worst. I got more off my glasses due to a "BC student pity discount" the eye place I went to has than anything my insurance was doing for me.
-My good friend Erin is moving to San Diego soon for the next phase of her academic career, so it has been "Erin Week" this week. I realize that it is also Shark Week, but that is ok, because Erin is more or less just a sexy shark. This involved my very first karaoke experience - a rousing rendition of "The Humpty Dance." I riffed on the "All the Samoans in the house...do the Humpty Dance" line considerably.
- We threw an 80s party, which featured a grand total of zero philosophy folks (first time that's happened), but there were loads of rowdy Irish folk, fun new friends, and a bunch of cops! First time the police have shown up at any of our parties (out of 11 or so majour ones we've had the past few years). Great fun.
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