A strange set of dreams I've had this weekend. I blame my 26th birthday (which was Friday). Mainly because my sleeping schedule has been resultingly messed up, and I tend to only remember dreams when I'm sleeping long past what my waking time ought to be. Or maybe it is because the arbitrary aligning of this calender date with the day of my birth has made me reflective or something. In any case, an interesting collection of dream imagery I thought was worth sharing:
Saturday - A work dream. I have something like my current job, in a strange and confusing factory/airport/giant machine of a building. I must help keep various things running in this huge gray monstrosity, but I don't understand most of it. I pass by Denice's office (she has a good office for some reason); she has an important connection to the higher ups for someone so young. Her job involves compassion somehow, but ultimately serves the interest in keeping the planes running on time. And there are lots of planes, departure schedules everywhere.
I get a call - someone has a problem with the computer. It says something about the domain not being found - "simple problem," I say. "Just activate your computer on the network". The voice on the other end informs me that he can't do that. Mystified, I set out to see for myself.
Change in scenery - now I'm somewhere near a large academic building, or hospital, or something, that I feel is out in the wilderness but near a larger urban area. Kind of reminds me of Canby's high school, or something like that. It is late evening. I go to the office in question, and the guy who called is a wiry, rat like man with dark hair who seems flummoxed with the computer's problem. it turns out it is an ancient computer, a model "80609" or something like that (a vague and inaccurate reference to some of the chip names that were around in the late 80s/early 90s). The computer is a dusky box with a screen. "It has never booted up" the guy says, and I turn it on, and it boots up. He celebrates because now he can do his work. This whole scene smacks of familiarity, and there is a hint of memory about something afterwards on the grass at night....I have a strong feeling that a lot of these scenes are from recurring dreams.
Very drastic change (I perceive this as being right after, but I could have woken up inbetween, or forgotten stuff, because it has a different temporal feeling, even if my mind says it comes chronogically next). I am now driving with someone who is kind of a mixture of Walter and Clint, to a building where they work or go to school or something. they have to run an errand, and I go in with. The building looks like a boring newish business building that you'd see in Beaverton, but it is actually a gigantic religious library that is in the shape of a winding tower. Lots of people are everywhere, there is some sort of educational camp here. One of the camp "leaders" is a very very short girl, who seems to beckon me on. On one of the book shelves I find a legal notepad or ledger or something that has the near future written on it (I don't remember actually reading this; either I skimmed it or I just knew these things after getting the notepad). The notepad had written in story form what was about to unfold. The short girl would invite me to a higher level, I would fall for another, and in order to try and have both I would come onto the short girl while pretending to be distant towards the other girl with smoky eyes, and then I would have both.
I'm not sure if the notepad's contents will actually come to pass, but I try to follow what it says just in case. I walk upstairs, lean against the large railing (a large wide open space in the middle of the tower/monestary/library), acting casual. The red headed girl with smoky eyes is seated at a table reading with some others, and looks my way, but I have to pretend to pretend to be casual. We chat some, but I intentionally ignore her to pursue the short, chirpy girl. The smoky eyed girl ends up following, and I'm led to a room at the very top of the tower that is decked out in church and christian icons, with a large, pink bed in the middle. And that's when I wake up. (I almost always wake up right before sex happens in any dream).
The next night, I have some dreams that seem related to the previous nights'. I start traveling to a place that I KNOW that has been in recurring dreams of mine before from the past few weeks. This place is supposedly Allston, but I have to take a weird bus and go out of my usual way to get there. In the previous week's dream it took an hour to reach this place, it was an out of the way ballroom, like attached to a mason hall or something, where people would dance.
In last night's dream I was headed to the same place, and it was the same organization, but now they are in a library...not like the library from the previous night's dream, but flatter, more of a dark, wider space that only has one floor above me (kind of like a mix between a Costco and the Lewis and Clark college library, actually). A man in a wheelchair comes in to a room where I had been standing with books, and accuses me of allowing something bad to come to pass. I was reading a book by an old german philosopher (Heidegger? I don't know if that is explicitly the case, or just what I was thinking of), who once sexually stalked a woman. And by my reading of his book, the wheelchair bound man (in his 50s) accused me of being complicit in this crime. I was taken before the leader or head guy in this library, who was younger, 35 or so, and dark haired. He seemed sympathetic to my claims that I had done nothing wrong, but the wheelchair guy was physically trying to pull me back and away from the head guy to stop my pleading. I thought of this place as a place that I would constantly go to, and also that place I visited to take dance classes with my female friend (that was the extent of the dream from last week that I remember, and I was referencing that to myself in the dream).
Kind of interesting stuff. Maybe just to me, I don't know...but it is so rare that I remember my dreams, I like to try and develop accounts of them that are as full as possible.