How to exploit nature betterly
This is already a well established fact, but celebutards are stupid. Why do these talentless whores get boring pets like hairless dog-rats, or biting monkeys? If I had money like that and I wanted a pet that reached absurd levels of cuteness, then I would try to get:
1. A pangolin.
2. a Pudu, the smallest species of deer ever.
3. A sentient, transsexual trash heap (I'm not joking. One episode of Fraggle Rock the trash heap changed from a woman to a man. This confused the Fraggles).
4. A Kurt Russell.
But then again the only reason celebrities get pets is to have "unique" fashion accessories. I think that fashion is a force more dangerous than landmines. A fashion mentality is the ultimate expression of wasteful capitalism - wanting and valuing things based merely on their newness and rarity. This mindset has taken over technology, politics, it a stretch to say that Project Runway should inspire as much loathing as Project: Manhattan?
*Sigh*, I suppose so. But only if you tell me why "kafir" is one of your interests. You look good as Bob Saget, though.
I've got a few upcoming posts designed to detail the role of various fermentable yeasts in my life...first beer brewing, then kefir.
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